Hakan Güler

email: hguler[at]kastamonu.edu.tr / hakanguler19[at]gmail.com

I am a faculty member in the Deparment of Mathematics at Kastamonu University.

My research interests:


  1. Helly number, domination and homology. (submitted) with: T. Bıyıkoğlu, Y. Civan and M. Demir
  2. A sufficient connectivity condition for rigidity and global rigidity of linearly constrained frameworks in $\mathbb{R}^2$.
    Discrete Applied Mathematics, 2023; 326: 37-46.
  3. A necessary condition for generic rigidity of bar‐and‐joint frameworks in $d$‐space. with: B. Jackson,
    Journal of Graph Theory, 2022; 99: 231–239.
  4. Coincident Rigidity of 2-Dimensional Frameworks. with: B. Jackson,
    Graphs and Combinatorics, 2022; 128.
  5. Flexible circuits in the d‐dimensional rigidity matroid. with: G. Grasegger, B. Jackson and A. Nixon,
    Journal of Graph Theory, 2022; 100: 315-330.
  6. Global Rigidity of $2D$ Linearly Constrained Frameworks. with: B. Jackson and A. Nixon,
    International Mathematics Research Notices, 2021; 22: 16811–16858.
  7. Rigidity of Linearly Constrained Frameworks. with: J. Cruickshank, B. Jackson and A. Nixon,
    International Mathematics Research Notices, 2020; 12: 3824–3840.